Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I want to write a love note to you
on the parking ticket sticking out
of the snow-covered-hood 
of your new car.

salt bird sleeping on page 24 of a catalog

My brain is sectioned into 9 loaves
but mostly resembles a lethargic bird
 & sounds like the winter moon

I'm unable to navigate or amplify the serenade 
of the coal-mine-canary
when my awkward-airbag-lungs transfer a volume of null

I wear sea-colored-lace-underwear & fiddle 
with a mix of required & redundant jigsaw puzzle pieces
pretending to know all the words to the song

I've undergone a decrease in hunger
& a growth in the delimitation of my carmine litmus test
being attracted to bearded-logical-men
because I'm always laughing
& I don't remember how
to solve for the slope of x by myself yet
without an ocean's worth 
of vibrant coffee. 



If I had t0 ch00se a superher0 name,
I'd ch00se DangerM0use,
but I guess a rapper already picked that & pr0bably
0wns 72 c0py rights & licenses & an isLand & junk
that w0uld prevent me fr0m saving the w0rld with this m0niker
-I'm s0metimes a weird,shy,awkwardthing,
but mostly, I'm not
it depends 0n h0w much diet c0ke I've swall0wed. & which phase
the m00n decided 0n shining. 
so I d0n't know.